Friday, October 15, 2010

robert's birthday cake

this year I kind of skipped out on robert's birthday. I was out of town. on a trip that I myself planned. not thinking about the date of robert's birthday when I scheduled it months ago. it saddened me a whole lot more than it did him. I don't think boy's really care much about celebrating birthdays like we ladies do.

so anyway, I really tried to make it up to him by giving him some great gifts, making a delicious italian meal & by baking a cake of his choice, which happened to be "marble cake". sigh. I'm not gonna lie- I was seriously disappointed with his choice. I mean, who chooses "marble cake" over a delicious vanilla cake with buttercream frosting? or a rich chocolate lava cake. or red velvet. heck, even carrot cake sounds more fun than "marble".

and then I found this recipe, which saved the day & got me excited about "marble cake": mocha hazelnut marble cake. so there. I made it & it was delicious. sorry for judging you, marble cake.


  1. This looks amazing, although I probably would have been with you about the choice of marble over all the other magical cake flavors in the world. John always asks for UN-ICED yellow cake-what's that about?

  2. wow, I am impressed, that looks soooo yummy!



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